Recently I have become friends with an online community that has a passion for art journaling. They have given me drawing courage. Well over a month ago when I was Drawing Couragea guest artist on Jonathan Manning’s (AKA Blade) show, I was asked to draw a cat. I was very nervous about drawing a cat, as I had never drawn one before! But the online community gave me the courage to draw a cat that night!

Reflecting back, I have not been a person who drew. Maybe a little when I was a child. When I was in High School I took one semester of Art and while I was in that class I didn’t get a lot of encouragement. I have always been a crafter, someone that would make something out of various items, but not a person who could draw.

So on Saturday I was in the local hobby supply Lee Hammond’s Big Book of Drawing, I also picked up a sketch journal.

Last night I started reading the first few pages of the book, where the book teaches how to use graphing and then goes into shading.

One of the projects was to practice blending a sphere. I didn’t have the suggested pencil so I used a charcoal pencil – soft and I didn’t have the Tortillion for blending so I used a paper towel wrapped around a paint brush.Drawing Courage

While this is my first attempt at drawing, I think I did pretty good!

My word of enCOURAGEment to you; go ahead pick up the paint brush, colored pencils, sewing needle, etc and create. It is never too late to learn something new. If you have the desire to learn you will find a way to succeed. If I can find drawing courage you can find the courage you need for anything you want to try.

What new artistic endeavor will you try? Please feel free to share with me. Did this post give you Drawing Courage?

Aspire to be Amazing!



Deina · April 4, 2011 at 7:39 pm

You did pretty DARN good!!

    Linda Israel · April 4, 2011 at 9:52 pm

    Thank Deina! I’m thankful for you and the group encouraging me to draw!

Kelli Jones · April 5, 2011 at 12:18 am

Actually I don’t even know how to draw. Even a pig is very hard for me, but then when I grew up, I think I was in college back then, I learned to draw. I didn’t even knew how I did it, reflecting now. But I tried and yeah, kids bought my drawings because I used crayons and shade all those and wipe some cotton o even out the thickness of the crayons. It’s really wonderful. Lesson is, never say never if you haven’t tried.

    Linda Israel · April 5, 2011 at 5:56 am

    Kelli thanks for sharing your story! I am thankful to be able to try a new journey in my life.

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