Day 16 of 30 Days of Thankful 2018
Day 16 of 30 Days of Thankful 2018 journal prompt. What is your life’s goal and why you are grateful for this goal? Knowing what your life’s goal is to you can help you in your life’s journey.
Inspirational Quote.
Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars. ~Les Brown
My Day 16 of 30 Days of Thankful 2018 journal entry.
My life’s goal is to help
Day 15 of 30 Days of Thankful 2018
Day 15 of 30 Days of Thankful 2018 journal prompt. What is the best gift you’ve ever received? A gift doesn’t have to be a physical item for it to be treasured. Every day I’m thankful for what I have and who I am.
Inspirational Quote.
The only gift is a portion of thyself. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
My Day 15 of 30 Days of Thankful 2018 journal entry.
The gift of
Day 14 of 30 days of Thankful 2018
Day 14 of 30 days of Thankful 2018 journal prompt. What painful experience has helped you grow? Life can throw obstacles in our life that are very painful experiences. Don’t give up, as God has a plan that we may not see until years later in
Day 13 of 30 days of Thankful 2018
Day 13 of 30 days of Thankful 2018 journal prompt. What do you love most about yourself? It is good to love yourself, even the flaws. Take a moment and think about what you love most about yourself.
Inspirational Quote:
People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But the self is not something one finds, it is something one creates. ~Thomas Szasz
What I wrote for Day 13 of 30 days of Thankful 2018.
My ability to find the positive
Day 12 of 30 days of Thankful 2018
Day 12 of 30 days of Thankful 2018 journal prompt. What music lifts you up and makes you feel thankful? There are so many kinds of music in this world. It amazes me at all the varieties out there to enjoy.
Inspirational Quote:
I don’t sing because I’m happy; I’m happy because I sing. ~William James
What I wrote for the Day 12 of 30 days of Thankful 2018 journal prompt.
I love a variety of music. When
Day 11 of 30 days of Thankful 2018
Day 11 of 30 days of Thankful 2018 journal prompt. What makes you laugh? There are so many things that make me laugh. Laughter is good for the soul. If I can laugh every day it keeps me happy with a positive outlook.
Inspirational Quote:
Sometimes I laugh so hard the tears run down my leg. ~Author Unknown
What I wrote for Day 11 of 30 days of Thankful 2018 journal prompt.
So many things make me
Day 10 of 30 days of Thankful 2018 With Tip In Tutorial
Day 10 of 30 days of Thankful 2018 With Tip In Tutorial journal prompt. What is something about Nature that you are grateful to see? Today as I write my journal entry I also share how to add a couple of photos to the journal.
Inspirational Quote:
Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
When I thought