January 17th Creative Prompt Last Movie You Watched
January 17th Creative Prompt Last Movie You Watched. The journal prompt today is centered around the last movie you watched. Henry and I don’t go to the movies very often, but we did go to see
January 12th Creative Prompt Create A Journal Page Around Your Favorite Flower
January 12th Creative Prompt is to create a journal page around your favorite flower. selecting a photo I took of my garden, a stencil and rubber stamp, I show how to create a journal page in this
January 11th Creative Prompt Use a Quote
January 11th Creative Prompt Use a Quote. Today the prompt is centered around a quote. I love using Quote Garden to find great quotes. In this tutorial I’ll show how to use an image from a book, a stencil and stamps to create a journal page.
January 10th Creative Prompt Use an Image from a Book or Magazine
January 10th Creative Prompt Use an Image from a Book or Magazine. Dig around and find a book or magazine to cut up and pick an image. In this tutorial I’ll show my take on using an image from