Dream Big, I say. Today I painted, something I haven’t done in a very long time. I took one of my drawings and transferred that design to canvas. This is something that I have been dreaming and thinking about for a while now and finally today I was able to make the art I wanted.

I started with a blank 11 by 14 canvas and sketched out the image of my girl in charcoal. I outlined her image with burnt umber paint. Then I proceeded to add color to the canvas using an old key card. After I created the background I wanted I proceeded to color in her face using acrylic paint. Then her hair and details were painted.Dream Big

Finally I used stamps to place Dream Big and went over the words with red and copper paint. I’m letting the painting rest for a little while before I do anything else, but I wanted to share what I have created so far…

Have you made a dream happen lately? If not take the steps to make a dream come true, it is never to late to Dream Big!