Artistic Stencil Club

At the time of your "club" enrollment, you will be charged for your first monthly membership fee of $19.99, plus the cost of shipping.  This amount will then be charged to you every following month on the same day. Membership cutoff date is the 14th.  If you enroll on or before the 14th of the month, you will receive that months shipment scheduled to ship on the 15th.  If you enroll on the 15th or after, you will receive the next months shipment.

Punked Out Steam Junk Journals

Punked Out Steam Junk Journals

Sharing the Punked Out Steam Junk Journals made during the May 27th Live steam on YouTube. Used the Punked Out Steam Creative Subscription box and add on items to create the Punked Out Steam Junk Journals.

Flip Through video showing the Punked Out Steam Junk Journals.
Supplies used to make the Punked Out Steam Junk Journals

The following video shows how the journals were finished during the May 27th live stream on YouTube.

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