Bouquet of Flower Kisses, Handmade flowers that have a surprise center – Hershey’s Kisses. This project is a birthday gift for my mother. Being able to use my skills to create a unique gift gives me great pleasure.

Bouquet of Flower Kisses Image

I used the Cricut cartridge Pagoda Passion to cut the flowers at 2.95 inches, I then sprayed the flowers with Adirondack Color wash sprays by Tim Hotz and my own “glimmer mist” which is acrylic floor wax and pearl ex in a spray bottle. The rest of the items I already had in my stash to complete this Bouquet of Flower Kisses, which became a birthday present for my mother. Which she just loved.. lol… Very easy to make.

Tutorial Video


Supplies used:
  • 6 colors of cardstock I used three shades of pink and three shades of purple
  • bamboo skewers Depending on the size of vase you have 10 to 16 skewers
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Hot glue gun
  • Tissue paper that matches the cardstock for your flowers
  • Green tissue paper
  • Hershey’s Kisses (I used two bags to fill the vase and these were the Easter Holiday Kisses so there were pretty purple and pink wrappers)
  • Packing peanuts
  • Rubber band
  • Adirondack Color wash sprays (or other type of color sprays)
  • Your version of a Glimmer Mist

Bouquet of Flower Kisses

This was fun and quick to make once I had all the materials laid out… Oh and you will stab some of the kisses if you jam the skewers in really hard so go gently I just warned my mom that the candy was all wrapped when I started and the vase was clean and I did the damage so she could still eat the candy lol.. I think it would be a wonderful Mothers day gift. Or for a new mother in a hospital after giving birth. For a friend that can’t have real flowers because of allergies.. So don’t limit yourself look at candy in a different way, maybe a different candy could be the center…

Bouquet of Flower Kisses

I hope that this inspires you to create one for someone you love… Please feel free to ask questions. I love sharing what knowledge I have.. 🙂

Have a blessed day.
