Hello friends, today I’m sharing the Pizza Box Swap with Miss Rachel B. The swap was held in the Girls Gone PaperCrafters Facebook group. The box she sent is so pretty!

Pizza Box Swap with Miss Rachel B

I made a video of opening up the happy mail. Pizza Box Swap with Miss Rachel B.

So many goodies in that box! Isn’t it super cute! I love all the little things she made and added to the box. When I was filming there were so many goodies I almost didn’t see the little card she made.

This was so much fun to open!

She even made a card that said: Linda Crazy. lol My husband would agree with her on that! LOL

Pizza Box Swap with Miss Rachel B

She made a video too. You can see the video of her opening up the pizza box I sent to her below. Make sure to follow her to see lots of pretty things she makes.

This was a fun swap to part take. I loved opening up the package to see what she made and all the wonderful goodies she packed into that little box! It’s amazing what will fit inside!

Do you love paper crafting? Come join the Facebook group Girls Gone PaperCrafters ! There are lots of wonderful friendly people willing to share their art with others. I really enjoy being a part of this little group.

Do you part take in swaps? What kind of items do you like to swap? I’ve also participated in ATC swaps. Doing an ATC swap is fun as those can be mailed one on one and don’t require a lot of postage.

If you haven’t tried swapping with someone join the group and join a swap. You will meet people all around the world.

Pizza Box Swap with Miss Rachel B

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today. Make sure to follow me on all my social media to see things I’m doing day to day.

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