It is another Story Time with Linda session. The theme today is: Don’t Let Anyone Steal Your Joy. There are people in this world that are unhappy and they will do everything they can to steal your joy. It is amazing how negative people can be towards others in this world. Life is too short to let others steal your joy.

Don't Let Anyone Steal Your Joy

My thoughts via video on Don’t Let Anyone Steal Your Joy.

There will always be someone that wants to steal your joy in this world. Don’t let that happen and don’t be someone that steals other peoples joy either. Try to always find the positive and be helpful to others. When you are positive it makes a difference and others notice.

How can you be a positive force in this world? Do you have things you do or say to bring joy to others? I would love to know your thoughts.

Go forth and be a positive light in this world. This world really needs your help.

Make sure to check out the Friendly Junk Journal People Facebook group. Of course, you are welcome to join the Friendly Junk Journal People Facebook group. The group is growing daily and we are a friendly group willing to help each other and encourage each other.

Interested in any of the journals I created? Please feel free to contact me through my Facebook Page. Here is my shop, I have a lot of items uploaded and add more weekly.

My hope is that I have inspired you to look at those papers in your stash and make your own junk journal.

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Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today for my post: Don’t Let Anyone Steal Your Joy.