Nautical Gel Prints Digital Download


Four Digital Downloadable files in a zip file.

If you were at the live stream and donated, you get this file for free. Please create a user account on this site and send a message via the contact me page with your YouTube name and I’ll add you to the YTDonator Membership. Thank you for supporting art and a small business owner.

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Pretty Nautical Gel Prints Digital Download. After a live Gel Printing Session I deiced to play with a couple of my new nautical themed stencils.Used for these gel prints was the Sea Shells Stencil and one of the stencils from the April Artistic Stencil club

Decided to mix my own color for the beige brown color. and then used some teal blue paints for the background.

Two digital images at 300 dpi ready to print as 11 x 8.5 inches.

Watch the video showing how I create Gel Prints and more below.

If you were at the live stream and donated, you get this file for free. Please create a user account on this site and send a message via the contact me page with your YouTube name and I’ll add you to the YTDonator Membership. Thank you for supporting art and a small business owner.

This file may be used in your personal artwork and you may sell the art using this image. You may not sell the digital download in any form. You may sell as a physical item that has been altered.

Remember that I have live streams on Monday’s at 3:45 pm and Thursdays at 12:30 pm Central Standard time on my YouTube Channel. Come join the chat, win prizes while I create.
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