Junk Journal Note Cards, what are these and how to make them. This is the reason for the post today. There are so many ways to make journal note cards for a junk journal. Today I’m just sharing one idea that I hope will inspire you.

Junk Journal Note Cards

For years I have collected paper items. It goes in stages of collecting and using. When I originally found the papers I had other plans for them and used some for those ideas. Now that I’m making Junk Journals these paper items are getting a new use.

Supplies Used

The supply list is short and simple. I’m sure you can find a few things to make your own journal cards in your stash too.

Here is a video on How to make Junk Journal Note Cards.


The process is very simple. Selecting the items from my stash I proceeded to cut the papers as necessary.

Using Distressed Ink – Vintage Photo I added a bit of color around the edges of the papers.

Layered the dictionary page onto watercolor paper using a glue stick and then sewed with a zig zag stitch on a standard sewing machine.

Junk Journal Note Cards

Once the sewing was done I then proceeded to layer the other elements. One of the elements was cutting the definition for the word Love and layering on top. When I make journal cards I like for these to remain flat so that it is easy to write on the backside.

Junk Journal Note Cards

Making these note cards is a lot of fun and a great way to use up bits and pieces that you may have in your stash. Take a look around and see if you can find some cool images inside a magazine, junk mail, old photos, and more.

Here are a few other Junk Journal Note Cards that I made using this same process.

Junk Journal Note Cards Junk Journal Note Cards Junk Journal Note Cards Junk Journal Note Cards Junk Journal Note Cards

There is no wrong way to make Junk Journal Note Cards. If you love the items you are using then I’m sure you will love the final project.

Junk Journal Note Cards

Make sure to check out the Friendly Junk Journal People Facebook group. Of course, you are welcome to join the Friendly Junk Journal People Facebook group. The group is growing daily and we are a friendly group willing to help each other and encourage each other.

Interested in any of the journals I created? Please feel free to contact me through my Facebook Page.

Here is my shop, I have a lot of items uploaded and add more weekly.

My hope is that I have inspired you to look at those papers in your stash and make your own junk journal. Follow my Facebook Page or on Instagram for updates that may not be shared on my blog.

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today to learn about Junk Journal Note Cards.