How to make Scrabble Jewelry, using Calico Collage Digital images – Simply Spring Charms, Brutus Monroe Detail Ink – Raven, Judikins Diamond Glaze, 8-Ounce and jewelry findings.

How to make Scrabble Jewelry

Recently while shopping in the clearance isle at Hobby Lobby I found some black mixed media scrabble tiles. I knew that these would be perfect to make Scrabble Jewelry.

Supplies used:
Scrabble like tiles on Amazon.
Calico Collage Digital Images – Simply Spring Charm images.
Brutus Monroe Detail Ink – Raven
Judikins Diamond Glaze, 8-Ounce – on Amazon
Jewelry Bails – on Amazon.
Square Punch – on Amazon
Scissors – on Amazon

These are super easy to make. And since I used the Diamond Glaze I can choose to make one or 100. Diamond Glaze doesn’t require mixing. No need to know the exact amount for the project. Just pour on what you need.

What I really love about the Calico Collage images is that they are crisp clear images even when only 1 inch in size. I was able to use a small square punch to select the images. It was easier once I cut the images into strips. That way I could put the punch where I wanted.

How to make Scrabble Jewelry

The little Scrabble Jewelry pieces will make great gifts for Birthday, Mother’s Day, Anniversary and evenChristmas. Or if you are wanting to make a little money, just gather up all the supplies and make as many as you want. It may even turn into a full-time job.

However, if you are not into making these, hit me up. I’ll make some for you, just tell me what kind of images you like the most.

When I made these I didn’t even purchase necklaces. I used cord that I had in my stash. Can use leather cord or even nylon cord, the choice is up to you.

Here is a video on how to make Scrabble Jewelry:

Who would you give Scrabble Jewelry to in your life? My mother might like one of these. Now I just have to decide which image she would like. Or I guess I could take a selection to her so that she could choose.

How to make Scrabble Jewelry

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