Day 7 of 30 days of Thankful 2018 journal prompt. What story brings you joy and makes you thankful? Story defined: an account of past events in someone’s life or in the evolution of something. There are so many stories that have been told throughout history. There is one that inspires me to love unconditionally.

Inspirational Quote:
If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten. ~Rudyard Kipling

Day 7 of 30 days of Thankful 2018


Stories weave magic, they tell histories and these same stories inspire us.

My Day 7 of 30 days of Thankful 2018 journal entry prompted me to be reminded of the Gospel Story of Salvation.

Day 7 of 30 days of Thankful 2018


The story of salvation, that God who so loved the world sent His son to earth to live, die and be resurrected, so we could be redeemed.

This is a powerful message of unconditional love. I’m grateful for that kind of love. That is why I do my best to give to others, to lift others up, to encourage. I’m still learning how to love unconditionally. Agape love.

Day 7 of 30 days of Thankful 2018


For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
~John 3:16

May your story be powerful and inspire others.

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Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today to see Day 7 of 30 days of Thankful 2018.