Day 21 Of 30 Days of Thankful 2018 journal prompt. What happened that caused another person to thank you? Reflecting on our actions is a great way to improve our lives and do better.

Inspirational Quote:
I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder. ~G.K. Chesterton
What I wrote for Day 21 Of 30 Days of Thankful 2018.

Day 21 Of 30 Days of Thankful 2018

My being brave enough to try new things and share with the world has caused many people to thank me for sharing the experience’s. Sometimes we need someone else to be brave for us, to show us we can do it.

Day 21 Of 30 Days of Thankful 2018Reflecting on our past actions really does make us better humans.

Supplies used for the 30 days of Thankful 2018 journal.

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Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today to see Day 21 of 30 Days of Thankful 2018.